Tamil Film Industry has its beginning in the early 1918 when the first silent film named “Keechaka Vadham” were released and the next remarkable milestone was positioned after many years that facilitate to the growth of Tamil Cinema. The History of Tamil Film Industry begins with two peerless artists renowned as MG Ramachandran and Sivaji Ganesan. In Early 20, as cinemas was not taken seriously, we had missed precious record of 1300 silent movies made by Tamil film industry. Despite of being obscure, the Tamil cinema had a profound effect on other filmmaking industries in India after the appearance of MG Ramachandran who had liked by majority of Tamil people amongst the handful of actors.

Medium to Spread to Political ideologies

After the establishment great cinemas, it was considered as a medium to spread political ideologies even before the MGR period which is still influences the Tamil people. The regional parties which embrace the cinema as an effective propaganda medium start patronizing the Tamil Cinemas through producing regional films that infuse political ideologies to attract folks.

Success Shade of Tamil Cinema

Even the Tamil Film Industry trailed with politics before, we can’t find any dearth in story of early Tamil cinemas. It was and is being the melting pot of literature and music activities. The industry was considered to be the hub of intellectual poets, music artists and Tamil scholars. Though the industry gained stigma due to the Hollywood prominence in the period before independence it didn’t hold for a long as India stepped to as an independent India. Tamil Film Industry again raised its flag and provided chances as there was no monopoly and distinction in cinema, Theatre and Music marked to gain its own identity finally profited individually and the directors decided to change the trend of making a single cast into spotlight resulted in a diverse concepts and niche.

Tamil Industry of 2020s

As per the experienced director’s concept, Tamil Film Industry was healthier when its in the hands of Filmmakers like Balachander, Bharathi raja, Balu Mahendran, and regarded as a golden time of Tamil cinemas. They felt that becoming director in age 25 is not a boon thy they lack more intense life experience and the present-day young directors are also not ready to read a novel to recreate it as a good movie as they don’t find time.


Tamil Film Industry is always a focal point in Indy wood, because of the way they conceptualizing and framing the stories and finding the new talents and awarding great recognition instead of emphasizing the existing stars repeatedly.